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Sprinkle Some Art Into Your Science

So now that most of the holidays are over, with the exception of Kwanzaa, Boxing Day and who cannot forget, New Year's, let's start thinking about going back into the classrooms! No, no, I am just kidding. I really want you to enjoy your break. No need to think about any of that right now!

Buuuuutttttt... 2018 and the start of the next semester is right around the corner. How will you continue to keep those spirits high when many of you are experiencing the dead of winter without a snow day in sight or perhaps another heat wave in the south?!

Fear not! Let's make sure to add some fun to your science lessons and sprinkle in some art! I've got some fabulous ideas up my sleeve. Make sure to attend the next Lab Hours (or sign up to hear the recording if you are still binge-watching Hallmark movies).

I'll be hanging out with some special guests up in the chilly state of Connecticut (my sticky sweet nieces!) We'll be showing you how to recycle a lot of those holiday items into fabulous STEAM lessons for your students or even your kids at home during the break! I'm not sure who is more excited- you, my nieces, me or my poor little 9 pound pup that will be experiencing snow for the first time.

What are some of your favorite STEAM lessons that incorporate holiday recycled materials? Share your ideas below!

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